Photo Gallery DAUGHTER RETREAT JUNE 2019 THE LAKE DISTRICT HEBRONCitrusdal, Western Cape, South Africa CLUN ROUND TABLE2018 HEART OF ENGLANDHAMPTON IN ARDENFILLING STATION2018 TARPORLEY TENT PROPHECY DAY JUNE 2018 TAPORLEY TENT WOMEN AT THE WELL JUNE 2018 TARPORLEY TENT WOMEN AT THE WELL HEBRON retreatJenny & Paulo HEBRON retreatJenny & Noreth HEBRON Retreat, 2018 HEBRON, 2018 Students. WTC. 2013 Students. WTC. 2013 Students. WTC. 2013 Students. Conference on Art & Media. Derbyshire. 2011 Prophetic School. Vézénobres, Languedoc, France. 2011. Prophetic School, Vézénobres, Languedoc, France. 2011 Delegate. International Catholic Charismatic Conference. Bari, Italy. 2010 Vatican City. Dedication of Charismatic Offices. 2011. Vatican City, Rome. 2010 Matteo Callisi, President, Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities. Bari, Italy. 2010. YWAM teaching, St Paul Trois Chateau, Provenance, France. 2012. Hilmarton Chapel, Wiltshire Preaching. Catford, London. 2016. Retreat. Ffald-y-Brenin, Wales. 2014. Ffald-y-Brenin Retreat 2013 End of a Day of Prayer. Worcestershire. 2013. Prophetic sky, New Year, Worcestershire 2013 French/English Prophetic Day. Wiltshire. 2011 French/English Prophetic Day. Wiltshire. 2011 Speaker. Nigerian Church Conference. Docklands, London. 2015 Praise and Worship. Shaw Green, Worcestershire. 2016 SELAH, Umbria. Retreat House. 2012 SELAH SIGN SELAH, Umbria. Retreat. 2011 SELAH, Umbria. Retreat. 2011 SELAH, Umbria. Retreat. 2011 Research. Harvard University, Cambridge Mass. USA. 2013. Prophetic Conference Team. The Wirral. 2016. Mission Team. Capri. 2012 Hebron Retreat, Citrusdal South Africa. 2017 Hebron Retreat, Citrusdal South Africa. 2017 Hebron Retreat. 2017 House meeting. London 2017 House of Bread, Round Table Retreat. 2017 Speaker. Bromley, London 2017 Team Wigan Women @ Well 2017