Wednesday 3 – Thursday 4 January
Waverley Abbey College, Surrey
MA Student Induction
Wednesday 10 January
Contemporary Chaplaincy Cohort [online]
Saturday 13 January
Heriot Watt Chaplaincy Centre, University of Edinburgh
Anglo-Scot Impact Day
Wednesday 17 January (and every consecutive Wednesday)
Contemporary Chaplaincy Cohort [online]
Saturday 20 January
Trinity Church, Cheltenham
Prophecy Day
Monday 22 – Wednesday 24 January
Waverley Abbey College, Surrey
MA Approaches to Spiritual Formation Teaching Block 1
Monday 29 – Wednesday 31 January
Kemble, Gloucestershire
Clergy Retreat
Sunday 4 February
Parish of Cove, Farnborough, Hampshire
Saturday 24 February
Parish of Cove, Farnborough, Hampshire
Hearing from God Retreat
Monday 26 – Wednesday 28 February
Waverley Abbey College Surrey
MA Approaches to Spiritual Formation Teaching Block 2
Saturday 2 March
Waverley Abbey House, Surrey
Lent Retreat: Ancient Sparks with Bernard of Clairvaux
Wednesday 20 – Friday 22 March
The Manor House, Grafton, Worcestershire
Gifts Galore Retreat
Friday 5 – 7 April
Launde Abbey, Leicestershire
The Yes Conference
Wednesday 10 – Thursday 11 April
Waverley Abbey College
MA Student Induction
Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 April
Waverley Abbey College
MA Tutor
Thursday 16 May
The Wirral Filling Station
Monday 10 – Wednesday 12 June
Waverley Abbey College
MA Tutor